Inuvik - Industry Tourism & Investment

56 MacKenzie Rd
Inuvik, Northwest Territories X0E 0T0 Canada



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284 MacKenzie Rd Inuvik, Northwest Territories X0E 0T0 Canada

81 Kingmingya Rd Inuvik, Northwest Territories X0E 0T Canada

Ivvavik, meaning ‘a place for giving birth, a nursery,' in Inuvialuktun, the language of the Inuvialuit, is the first national park in Canada to be created as a result of an Indigenous land claim agreement – the Inuvialuit Final Agreement (1984). The park protects a portion of the calving grounds of the Porcupine caribou herd and represents the Northern Yukon and Mackenzie Delta natural regions.

190 MacKenzie Rd Inuvik, Northwest Territories X0E 0T0 Canada