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Museums & Masterpieces™ is an online directory dedicated to connecting art lovers, tourists, and cultural enthusiasts with a diverse array of museums, art galleries, antiques, and artisans from around the globe.

More than just a directory, Museums & Masterpieces™ serves as a comprehensive digital platform, offering each listed institution or artisan a personalized micro-website. These pages include essential details, images, and direct links to their official websites and social media profiles.

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1010 Promenade Des Anciens Havre-Saint-Pierre, Québec G0G 1P0 Canada

The Mingan Archipelago, located on the North Shore of Quebec, is home to the largest concentration of monoliths in Canada. While whales and seals frolic at large, the thousands of islands and islets fascinate visitors with their arctic-alpine plants and colonies of birds.

54401 Range Rd 203 Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta T8L 0V3 Canada

Trans-Canada Hwy 1 Columbia-Shuswap, Colombie britannique V0X 1R0 Canada

?? Fort Simpson, Territoires du nord-ouest X0E 0N0 Canada

Improvement District No. 9 Banff, Alberta Canada

Sirmilik National Parks Office Pond Inlet, Nunavut X0A 0H0 Canada

Inuktitut for “land at the top of the world”, Quttinirpaaq is Canada’s northernmost national park. Its sprawling tundra is enriched by jagged black peaks and massive glaciers. Herds of muskoxen and Peary caribou roam this vast landscape where archaeological sites date back thousands of years.

Meadows in the Sky Pkwy Revelstoke, Colombie britannique V0E 2S0 Canada

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