For more than seventy years God has been serving His people in and around Rugby, North Dakota through the Word and Sacrament ministry of St.Paul Lutheran Church, connecting people with His Church, His Word, and His Son. St. Paul is a member congregation of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, and a member of the North Dakota District of the LC-MS. If you’re looking for a church home, please come and visit us on Sunday morning for worship or for any of our study opportunities. Feel free to contact us with any questions or special concerns. If you would like to know more about the congregation and about what we believe and teach, you will find those answers here at this site. God has some things He would like you to hear and know, and it would be our pleasure to proclaim His Word to you. God bless the time you spend looking over our website, and then come and join us, to worship our Lord and receive the gifts of eternal life He desires to bestow on His people.Welcome to St. Paul Lutheran Church
301 5th Ave NW Rugby, North Dakota 58368 United States